Hope is the belief the future can be better than today and you have the power to make it so.


The science of hope, implemented within an organization, leads to a multitude of positive outcomes. From employee retention and increased profits to programs improving the lives of patients and clients, Hope Centered tactics truly make a difference.


You’re familiar with the overall concept of hope: it’s the vision of something better. It drives us to work toward goals, create meaningful relationships, and make a positive impact in the world around us.

But – it’s deeper than that. Hope is a core component of who we are. Who we all are. In work, in family, in leisure. Hope affects all aspects of our lives.

Let’s pause. Does this sound like a motivational book? Motivational speech? It’s absolutely not.

  • Hope is a science.

    The hope concepts incorporated into the Hope Centered training are evidence-based. Grounded in 15 years of research, these concepts demonstrate that hope isn’t just a feeling. Hope can be taught – to anyone, including the youngest of kids.

  • Hope is a framework for action.

    Hope is actionable using three pillars: goals, pathways and willpower. The three pillars are the road to cultivating hope in anyone’s life.

  • Hope is a cognition.

    Training one’s mind to realize hope and the road to it is as simple as thinking through a problem in a different way by utilizing the three pillars.

  • Hope focuses on the positive.

    The science of hope allows us to transition from avoidant goal setting to achievement goal setting. Instead of focusing on what’s wrong, hope focuses on what’s right.

  • Hope is a journey.

    Hope begets hope, and the cultivation of the concept leads to the overreaching goal: well-being.

  • Hope transforms culture.

    Hope Centered strategies impact both internal and external processes – benefiting everyone the organization touches.

Contact Dr. Hellman to learn how Hope Centered trainings can benefit your organization.

Learn more about Dr. Hellman or about the
Hope Centered trainings and curriculum